הארץ: אבו מאזן אינו אנטישמי. (אנחנו דווקא קצת כן) ב'הארץ' נקבע שאבו מאזן אינו אנטישמי. עיון בהגדרה הרשמית לאנטישמיות מעלה שאי אפשר להיות יותר אנטישמי מאבו מאזן, וכן שגם ב'הארץ' עצמו מתפרסם תוכן אנטישמי חנן עמיאור | 26.03.18 | האנטישמי המובהק ביותר שקיים עלי אדמות. אבו מאזן (צילום: פלאש 90) שתף צייץ שתף שלח לחבר הדפס Last Friday, in response to a question raised by the US ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, if the curse "Ben Kalev," which Abu Mazen threatened, "is anti-Semitism or political discourse," Caroline Landesman determined in Haaretz that " Abu Mazen is not an anti-Semite" . Landesman is firm and resolute, but that does not make her determination correct. Because she did not. Moreover. She returns to her in a quick turn and points out to herself (and also to her colleague in Haaretz, his father-in-law) that they are anti-Semites. All this, unequivocally and unequivocally, emerges from the definition of the work of anti-Semitism of the International Alliance for the Memory of the Holocaust (IHRA), which was adopted by the 31 member states of the European Union, as well as Britain . It should be emphasized that this official definition of antisemitism is the only relevant definition, is universally accepted and even used in the EU countries, in which antisemitism is defined as a criminal offense. The IHRA's announcement included a definition of antisemitism, in which 11 possible examples were added to clarify the definition. Abu Mazen is embarrassed not only by the definition itself, but also by all 11 examples that clarify the definition. The conclusion: It is impossible to be more anti-Semitic than Abu Mazen. This is the definition: Anti-Semitism is a particular perception of Jews, which can be expressed as hatred towards them. Verbal and physical expressions of anti-Semitism are directed at Jews or non-Jews and / or their property, or at Jewish community and religious institutions Does Abu Mazen answer her? Let us consider the question by all 11 examples for clarification: Reading, assisting or justifying murder or harming Jews in the name of extremist ideology or extremist religious views. Answer the definition? Yes. Abu Mazen justifies the murder of Jews False, demonic, or stereotypical accusations against all Jews or the power of the Jews as a collective, such as the myths of a global Jewish conspiracy or the fact that Jews control the media, economy, government, or other social institutions Answer the definition? Yes. Abu Mazen claims all this and even more through his official television Accusing the Jews as a people for being responsible for real or imagined injustices caused by a single Jew or a group of Jews or even by non-Jews. Answer the definition? Yes. Abu Mazen also accuses Israel of international Islamic terrorism Denial of scope, mechanisms (such as gas chambers) or the deliberate execution of the Jewish genocide by Nazi Germany and its supporters and collaborators during World War II (the Holocaust). Answer the definition? Yes. Abu Mazen denies the Holocaust Accusing the Jews as a people or the State of Israel in inventing the Holocaust or exaggerating its scope. Answer the definition? Yes and even more. Abu Mazen accuses the Zionist movement of being responsible for what he admits is that the Nazis did the Jews Denying the right of Jews to self-determination, for example by claiming that the existence of the Jewish state is racist Answer the definition? Yes. Abu Mazen stated that the Jewish people have no right to self-determination The use of double standards towards Israel and a demand that it act in a manner that is not required of any other democratic state. Answer the definition? Yes. Abu Mazen demands that Israel not punish terrorists who were involved in indiscriminate murder of civilians Using images and symbols of classic anti-Semitism (such as the blood libel, the Jews killed Jesus) to describe Israel or the Israelis Answer the definition? Yes. At first Abu Mazen claimed that Israel poisoned Palestinian wells . When he realized that this was too obvious an image of classical anti-Semitism, he took a step back and repeated the same claim in a different form, according to which Israel poisoned the Palestinian youth A comparison between the policy of the State of Israel and Nazi policy. Answer the definition? Yes. Even when he claimed that the Zionists believed in the purity of the Jewish race, just as Hitler believed in the purity of the Aryan race, and also through his son, who claimed that the army was a Nazi army The imposition of responsibility for the actions of the State of Israel on all Jews Answer the definition? Yes. Through the textbooks of the PA's official education system , Abu Mazen preaches to the young Palestinian generations that the Jews are responsible for the conflict with Israel, because of their bad qualities, "greedy," "enemies of the prophets," "devil's aides," "snakes," . The last section is particularly interesting. here he is: Blaming Jewish citizens for being more loyal to the State of Israel or to the apparent preferences of Jews around the world than to the interests of their country Does Abu Mazen answer the definition? Yes. And to the embarrassment not only he. Landesman herself, as well as his colleague in Haaretz , is anti-Semitic, according to this clarification. Abu Mazen said that the American ambassador is "a settler and his family are settlers, why should we expect him?" His father-in-law wrote: Together with Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner, Friedman is a member of an American peace team that purifies Orthodox Jews identified with Benjamin Netanyahu and right. Due to political correctness, they do not Because of political correctness or because it is anti-Semitism? In the last paragraph of Landesman's article, another classic anti-Semitic motif is expressed – blaming the Jews for their behavior that causes anti-Semitism towards them. Thus Landesman: But if Israel continues to blur the boundaries between the State of Israel and the independent Jewish existence in the Diaspora, you should not be surprised if Abbas, like others, becomes anti-Semites. ************************* Two facts can be added to this: The first is that Abu Mazen is not only an anti-Semite of words but also of deeds. Being the secret of planning and responsible for funding murder attacks against civilians, such as against the Israeli athletes' delegation to the Munich Olympics . That is, the blood of innocent Israeli civilians. Second, in the history of anti-Semitism, old and modern, not a single anti-Semite is known, who has offered and even gives huge amounts of cash, sums that can finance an entire family for decades in return for the murder of Jews. Even in return for the murder of a random and innocent Jew. Abu Mazen is doing it. Carolina Landesman in response : You treat it as a scientific issue. You examine my statement under these parameters. I think broadly. Based on my reading of history and literature, I can understand what antisemitism is and judge reality alone. I do not subordinate myself to the criteria of the organization. In my impression of Abu Mazen, I do not think that the driving force behind him is anti-Semitism. The whole shift in the discussion of Abu Mazen's anti-Semitism is an attempt to avoid discussing the national conflict. As for the claim that only Abu Mazen pays money for the murder of Jews: I think this is Bibi's manipulation. To present the Israelis to the Palestinians and generally the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict as an anti-Semitic conflict European style is a manipulation designed to prevent the possibility of a solution and free us Israelis from responsibility for shaping a solution. His father-in-law responded I see no reason or need to explain. Contrary to your claim, I have not written that Friedman Greenblatt or Kouchner is more loyal to Israel than to the United States. I drew attention to the diverse composition of the team and how it might be perceived by the other side; I cited as an example the possible response in Israel to a peace team composed of three Arab Americans – would you blame anyone who would have mentioned this in hatred of Muslims? Let me express my doubt. There is no doubt that the lack of discussion in the composition of the peace team stems from the fear that whoever is involved will be accused of anti-Semitism, and here you are in a hurry to deliver the goods. However, the attempt to paint this simple, simple diagnosis as anti-Semitism is distorted and absurd to me. It is not about protecting Jews, but about shutting up their mouths.
נכון אבו מאזן אינו אנטישמי הנה קישור https://he.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D7%90%D7%A0%D7%98%D7%99%D7%A9%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%95%D7%AA לערך אנטישימי בוויקיפדיה ותדון בעצמך אתה החלטת שכללי אנטישימי זה לפי (IHRA) אע"פ שזה מערער את כללי האנטישימיות מאז ומקדם ובהארץ ודאי לא התכוונו לכללי (IHRA) בקיצור אין כאן לא אנטישימיות ולא פרסבקטיבה הגב
לנדסמן לא מפתיעה בתשובתה; הבועה של השמאל תמיד הצדיקה את הגרועים שבשליטים הרוצחים והאנטישמים. אנשים עדיין מתהלכים עם חולצות צ'ה! וכבר אי אפשר לטעון שלא יודעים מי זה היה ומה הוא היה. בתפיסת עולם בה אפשר לעלות לקברו של ערפאת, ואז להכחיש בזעם ולהאשים בביביזם את מי שמביא את התמונות של הביקור, אצל אנשים אורווליאניים כאלה, הנרטיב שולט בכל. אם אבו מאזן, לפי קריטריונים פרטיים שלה אינו אנטישמי, אז הוא יעמוד מולה ויאמר לה בפסקנות שהוא כן, והיא תכחיש. הגב